Although we don't oftenthink about what kind of tooth-brush to buy, there are differ-ences, and important ones.Toothbrushes must be pre-scribed for individual use justas medicines are.Not long ago, the hard, nat-ural bristle brush was almostuniversally recommended, andwith some dentists it still is.However, the natual bristleshave almost knifelike tips thatcan cut the gums and when usedto remove plaque under gums,can break and create irritationin the area. Consequently, moreand more dentists are recom-mending the soft, multi-tuftednylon brushes with roundedbristles. These are ideal forplaque removal.
A bad bite can cause a lot of trouble for children and parents. In dentistry, we call this malocclusion, the improper contact between teeth and jaws when biting.
There are lots of causes, including loss of teeth through decay or accident. Bad mouth habits can cause it, too, such as thumbsucking, tongue thrusting or breathing through the mouth.
The picture the dentist takes with his x-ray machine is one of the most essential tools he has in treating dental problems. It is always used with the greatest concern for your safety. In fact, the exposure takes less than a second and is less than you receive from everyday living from the rays of the sun or from natural radiation in rocks and other materials.
An abscess (sometimes known as a gum boil) in the gum tissue can be a painful experience. It may result from an infection within the tooth itself which means the nerve is dying or has died. The breakdown products move in the path of least resistance through the bone and then through the gum. The abscess could also be caused by a trapping of food or bacterial products in the gum space we call a "pocket" (an opening between the gum and the teeth) which is a symptom of periodontal disease. If the entrance to the pocket closed tightly around the area of heavy breakdown, then the toxins accumulate and create pressure in the gum tissue. Again, you may have pain with the swelling.
Maybe you'd have a really attractive smile, except for that crooked tooth that makes you feel self-conscious whenever you open your mouth. Even one tooth that is rotated or misaligned in some way can detract from your appearance.
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